Monday, November 4, 2013

November Fragrance Oil of the Month

We're starting a new feature around here:

Fragrance Oil of the Month!

Each month, we will be offering one of our new fragrance oils at a special sale price.   You can pick up a bottle of this fragrance for $1 off all month long (while supplies last).

For the month of November, our fragrance will be Peppermint Leaf.  

Peppermint Leaf is the perfect blend of cool refreshing peppermint with that slight herbal undertone that smells just like, well, a peppermint leaf.  This fragrance oil is perfect for those upcoming Christmas projects, and you can pick it up much cheaper than an essential oil with this sale.

Note for Cold Process Soapmakers: In our testing, the fragrance oil accelerated trace.  Make sure you use very low temperatures and a recipe you are familiar with before using this fragrance in cold process soap.

To order the Fragrance Oil of the Month, just send us an email or use the contact form on the right sidebar.  Sale prices are $4.00 for 1 oz, $7.50 for 2 oz, $12.50 for 4 oz, or $20.95 for 8 oz.

Any questions?  Just ask!

Send us an email at cottagesoapworks (AT) hotmail (DOT) com or use the contact form in the right sidebar to order any of the supplies listed above.